Ever heard of a "Zen Den"? According to the wise scholars at Urban Dictionary, it's basically your personal oasis of tranquility and good vibes. Now, I've got my chill-out spots all over the house - from nurturing my green babies in the sunroom to pampering myself in my spa-like bedroom. But my Zen Den? Oh, that's where I take my self-love and healing game to a whole new level.
The zen vibes in this room are so strong that even my guests can't help but gush about it when they drop by. Curious what makes this space so darn zen? Check out my top picks, where I snagged them, and a full-on room tour video below. Namaste, y'all!

Yoga Space
I started dabbling in yoga almost 2 decades ago. Since then, I've dipped my toes into various yoga styles like hot yoga (literally sweating my asana off) and yes, even prenatal yoga (because why not start the zen vibes in the womb, right?). Yoga isn't just about striking weird poses; it's like a mind spa that tones your core and makes room for all the good vibes.
When it comes to my yoga mat, this little gem is a real foot-saver! It's 6mm thick with a double sided design and has more grip than a cat on a curtain. You don't have to break the bank for a decent mat, but steer clear of those bargain bin mats – my mandala mat from Five Below turned out to be slipperier than a banana peel on a roller rink. Stay safe, stay stylish, and stay stretchy, my friends! As for the mirror, I scored that beauty a local Kirkland's on discount. Go ahead, find the flaw that scored me that savings, I dare you.

Okay nay-sayers... It's time to debunk the myth that you need to be a human pretzel to do yoga. That's just baloney! Yoga is like a magical mystery tour for your mind, body, and soul, open to everyone. No need to stress about nailing the perfect pose – I mean, have you seen me try? Trust me, it's a sight to behold! Plus, there's always a workaround for those tricky poses that don't agree with your wrists or knees. Yoga doesn't discriminate – it's for the dudes, the dudettes, the young, the old, the round, the square, you name it! And hey, sometimes just rolling out your mat and taking a deep breath is the real MVP move.
If you are looking to start a yoga journey, you might like Yoga with Adriene on YouTube. Her free 30-day programs are downward doggone perfect for beginners!
Singing Bowls
I was in high school the first time I encountered the magical experience of a Tibetan singing bowl. Little did I know that this quirky instrument would one day lead me down the rabbit hole of sound therapy and healing frequencies. Fast forward to the present, I am now the proud owner of a Tibetan Mani bowl cushion set. This bad boy has become a staple in my pre-and-post yoga rituals. Not only is it tough as nails, but it also holds a place of honor on my shelf, basking in all its glory. And guess what? Even my little mini-me has hopped on the singing bowl bandwagon! Who knew that a simple bowl could bring so much joy into our lives?

But the newest additions to my Zen Den are my Ryan Dvan crystal singing bowls. I've been drooling over these for ages, and finally got my hands on one thanks to my hubby's birthday surprise. They have even made appearances on video calls to wrap up meetings with a beautiful sound bath (or maybe it was really to drown out the voice of anyone giving me more work to do). My first bowl was a 10" C Note Root Chakra in 432 HZ perfect for keeping me grounded after years of tech stress (apparently, that's a thing). Then I added the D Note Sacral Chakra in 432 HZ to help tackle all of my gut health issues. And thanks to a gift card from my sweet former co-workers, I was able to add the E Note Solar Plexus in 432 HZ!
These babies are delicate, complete with a fancy carrying case and suede striker. The 10" is a breeze to play - even a 6-year-old can do it! The smaller ones need a little more TLC to get them to crank out some tunes. Turn up the volume for a sneak peek!
Zen Lighting
My guests also rave about my lamps like they are the Beyoncé of lighting fixtures. These shelf floor lamps aren't just a lamp, they're a lifestyle! They've got it all: the perfect color, intricate design, shelves for days, and even a secret compartment for my stash of sandbox tools and essential oils. And guess what? I put them together all by myself, because I'm basically a lamp-building superhero. 💪

Then there's this fancy Moroccan-style battery-operated hanging lamp from Costco. I was eyeing some of those gorgeous mosaic stained glass lamps, but this one just winked at me, and I was sold! Plus, it's got this cool automatic timer setting, which is like having a personal lighting assistant for my yoga sessions in the corner. And hey, I can even admire its beauty in the mirror while striking those yoga poses.

Zen Garden
Trying to create a serene zen garden outdoors in a yard full of mischievous Sweet Gum and Pine Trees is a sure-fire self-sabotage. So, I've decided to bring the zen indoors (Zendoors??). If you can't draw a straight line to save your life, fear not! Get yourself a zen garden stamp tool set and let the sand be your canvas. It's like art for the lazy soul! My set is my pride and joy, tucked away on the shelf next to my lamp, because who needs a Picasso when you can have a zen stamp masterpiece, right? And hey, if you're feeling crafty, check out my DIY blog for tips on creating your own zen paradise.
Essential Oils
What Zen Den is complete without the healing qualities of essential oils? None, IMO. I tried a couple of different diffusors in the room at first, but they were cramping my style. Then I stumbled across this gorgeous metal mandala diffusor. It has great color options and even knows when to hit the snooze button when it's out of water. It's practically my new BFF! Plus, I stash all my essential oils in the drawer right underneath for that extra touch of convenience. Zen level: expert!

Low Light Plants
Although I was hesitant to add live plants at first (what if I forgot to water them while all my other plants were soaking up the sun in the sunroom?), I'm glad I did because these beauties sure do bring elevate the energy in the room.
Peace Lily – this plant is very special to me, as it's from my Grandmother's funeral. She was very influential to me for both my spirituality and with getting into gardening (even though she always said she had more of a brown thumb).
Snake Plant (Sansevieria Zeylanica) - also known as mother-in-law's tongue, this plant is a great air purifier and therefor perfect for a zen den. This was gifted to me by my hubby's best friend's wife (who I'm pretty sure is a plant whisperer or a garden fairy).
Swiss Cheese Vine (Monstera) - this is my newest addition to the room that was gifted to me from my bestie from another nestie. She and I share a fondness for plants and are quickly becoming "Crazy Plant Moms" together. We've been learning all about propagating and love trading with each other. And no - there is no such thing as too many plants. Or rocks. Don't even joke about that!

I've loved rocks and gemstones since I was a knee-high to a grasshopper. My obsession has grown so big that I'm pretty sure those shiny beauties have infiltrated every nook and cranny of my humble abode, except for the guest room and laundry rooms - gotta draw the line somewhere, right? I scour the globe for these precious treasures, but I gotta give a shoutout to my favorite gem haven, "Enter the Earth" in Asheville, NC. Trust me, it's a gem of a place! So, if you ever find yourself in the area, do yourself a favor and pay them a visit. Now, let me tell you about my crystal kingdom in the Zen Den - it's like a sparkly wonderland in there! Here are the MVPs:
Celestite – means "heavenly" or "of the sky" due to it's blueish color and is known to help with spiritual connections. Depicted on the lower bottom shelf below.
Selenite – derived from Selene, the Goddess of the Moon, this crystal has a cleansing quality that helps purify and connect you to the angelic realms. Depicted in the upper bottom shelf below.
Smokey Quartz – often used in feng shui, this crystal helps balance and ground your energies. Depicted in the oil diffusor image above.
Citrine – known as the "light maker," this crystal brings a source of light and positive energy. Depicted in the oil diffusor image above.

Healing Books & Messages
I've always loved a little bit of everything, but not too much of anything. A while back, I embarked on a quest to uncover the mysteries of spiritual beliefs worldwide. Lo and behold, I stumbled upon this gem of a book series called "A Little Bit of" - it's like they read my mind! These books are like the Cliff's Notes of spirituality, giving me just enough info to sound smart at parties without diving too deep into the cosmic abyss. They're like my spiritual appetizers before I decide if I'm ready for the full-course meal. I've got a solid 15 of these bad boys in my collection now, and let me tell you, it's a growing addiction. If you're curious, here are a few picks that might tickle your fancy:

Final Result
Let's Chat
I'd love to hear from you - do you have a zen space to hide away in?
Be sure to subscribe to my blog to follow my path to healing through holistic practices.