4.4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️+
The fall season is in full swing, creating a blank slate for manifesting our dreams into reality. This book offers a nice introduction for those with an open mind, that are curious about the concept.
The author covers all of the basics for what the law of attraction is, and how to create the mental and physical space to attract your desired reality.
Connecting with your higher intuition
Reshaping your thought patterns
Healing your inner child to let go of things holding you back
Grounding and breathing exercises -Decluttering your mind, body and physical space
Reigniting your passions and creativity
Anchoring your memories and lucid dreaming
There are some tips, exercises and positive mantras sprinkled throughout, and it’s broken up nicely into digestible chapters and sections with peaceful imagery.
I found the lucid dreaming part at the end to be the most interesting. It goes hand-in-hand with another book I read recently, and am intrigued at the possibilities.
Thanks to NetGalley, Quarto Publishing Group, and Stephanie Keith for providing me with a complimentary ARC to review!
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