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Lights Out! (#5)

Writer: Sassy Little HippySassy Little Hippy

Updated: Aug 20, 2024

Below is the 5th story in my Haunted Storybook House series. If you missed the previous ones, be sure to go back and read them in chronological order for a chilling experience.

Bedtime Banshees

Once upon a time in the land of bedtime madness, my dear mother was out conquering the midnight shift while my older sister, the noise ninja, was having what sounded like a party in her room next to mine. I tried to outwit her by cranking up my favorite pink radio to ear-splitting levels, but alas, my delicate sleep sensors were having none of it. I resorted to shouting through the walls like a banshee, demanding peace and tranquility to no avail. After a few failed attempts, I geared up for a grand entrance to her room, ready to unleash my wrath - only to discover that the real culprit was lurking downstairs all along. Ugh!

Lights Out, Little Sis

Embracing my inner adulting skills, I embarked on a mission to tuck in the noisy night owl. It was past her bedtime, after all! As I descended the windy stairs and ventured my way into the sitting room, a mysterious force plunged everything into darkness and silence. I stood frozen, like a statue preserved in time. The once bustling living room that's just around the corner, full of lights and noise, had suddenly transformed into a black hole of silence so deep that I could hear a feather drop.

Hear Me Roar

"That's not funny! Turn the lights back on," I yelled so that she would hear my fury all the way in the living room. Feather drop.

"Seriously. It's not funny. I can't see. Turn the lights back on!" Crickets.

"And what are you doing up, anyway? You know it's way past our bedtime. This isn't funny! Come on!" Breathing.

"Who are you talking to?" said my sister...FROM BEHIND ME!!! I jumped so high I came right out of my skin and practically smacked the ceiling!

You Are Not Alone

I spun around in a cool panic and begged, "How in the world did you get behind me?"

She replies, "Well, I heard you hollering like a banshee downstairs while I was trying to sleep, so I had to investigate the commotion." She swore she had shut off the TV and lights before hitting the hay, and she was convinced that I was the noisy culprit. So, hey, at least I had a witness now, and wasn't in this solo, right? Although...I guess I was never really alone to begin with.

Motherly Advice

When I spilled the beans to Mommy dearest, she was convinced that the mysterious lights were shining in from a car taking a wild spin around the sharp curve outside our living room window (even though, that would be a physics-defying feat, being that the curve arches away from the house). As for the strange noises, she was stumped. My bet is on those mischievous squirrels - always up to no good!

Let's Chat

So what do you think - was it just a car driving around the curb...for 30 minutes straight?

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