You've reached the final story in my Haunted Storybook House series - and the spookiest by far. If you missed the previous stories, be sure to go back and read them in chronological order first, so that you have the full picture of the build-up to this moment. We'll meet back here after.
Well, well, well, look who's made it this far! Congratulations, you brave soul. Those stories weren't too shabby, huh? But hold on to your socks, because here comes the grand finale, the one that gives me the heebie-jeebies and I rarely tell.
Picture this: a 12-year-old me, home alone (surprise, surprise) after school on a scorching hot day. Just doing my homework and crunching numbers on my calculator like a good little student, when out of the blue I hear it - three thunderous stomps coming from above me, straight from my dear old Mom's bedroom. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM.
I gaze up in utter bewilderment, paralyzed in my seat. The stomping then travels across the ceiling like it's on a mission, all the way over to the conjoining dining room, a good 25 feet away. I track the noise with my eyes, and when it reaches the dining room's ceiling fan, guess what? BOOM. BOOM. BOOM.

It stomps three more times, so vigorously that the darn fan starts shaking like Shakira's hips! They don't lie. And neither do I, when I tell you that - the fan wasn't even on! After this spooky spectacle, the stomping makes its way back across to the living room, repeats the three stomps above me, and then...silence. So, what did I do? I calmly closed my math book and set my stuff aside, then quietly stepped outside and plopped down on the patio rocking chair to ponder what the hell just happened.
Who You Gonna Call?
Back in the Stone Age of technology, cell phones hadn't yet been invented. Only bag phones (seriously?). I was stranded in that rocking chair, without a lifeline to the world. My mom was off adulting at work, while my dad and sister were off playing sports. So, I sat outside for a good 30 minutes until a light bulb moment struck - the time "it" attempted to lock me outside the back door with it's creepy little hand. Since spooky shenanigans were typically a one-hit wonder with this...thing?, I bravely marched back in to investigate the scene.
The Ghost is Clear
Everything seemed normal, so I assured myself it wouldn't happen again and sat down to tackle my homework. I cracked opened my math book, grabbed my trusty calculator and starting typing in the same algebraic equation when all of a sudden....BOOM. BOOM. BOOM.
Yep. 3 loud stomps echoed above me, followed by the same dramatic stomping performance across the ceiling, making the fan shaking like a salt shaker before the return trip above me. All in a rhythmic pattern. I tell you, it was so thunderous, I was half expecting a giant to come crashing through the roof! If it was a human, they must have been practicing for the high jump competition. So, I calmly closed my book, decided the great outdoors was a safer bet, and made a swift exit.
3 Strikes - You're Out!
After sitting outside in the sizzling sun for an hour, my stomach started throwing a tantrum, demanding to be fed ASAP. And I still had homework to finish. Determined that it wouldn't happen again, I retreated back inside, foolishly thinking I was safe.
Nope. The homework monster was ready to pounce. My new algebraic nemesis struck back with a vengeance, replaying its evil tricks for a 3rd time. Finally coming to my senses, I gathered my academic arsenal, snatched the house key, and sat my tiny hiney right there in the rocking chair on the front porch until my sister returned at the stroke of 10.
A Logical Explanation
So, what was it? I can't say. Was someone in my Mom's bedroom? Perhaps. But they would have needed x-ray vision for their impeccable timing of my math equation. And why stick around for a repeat performance of the stomping scare tactics instead of escaping out the back door?
Could it be the squirrels? My mom insisted that they enjoy their rooftop acrobatics on occasion. I mean, I get it. But can we really believe those little critters would perform a synchronized stomp routine so loud on the 2nd story roof, that it shakes the ceiling fan downstairs?
We can try to logic this away all day folks. I've been trying to my entire life. But all I can say for sure, is that we'll never know.
That's All She Wrote
Luckily, we only had to endure that house for the duration of the school year. My Mom decided to tie the knot during the last week of classes, and we were outta there the next week. I've never dared to set foot in that place since, but I've entertained the thought of ringing the doorbell and quizzing the current owners about any spooky encounters. Then again...maybe it's better not to know. Ignorance is pure happiness, isn't it?
Every now and then, the tales resurface during family get-togethers, and we chuckle about those "meddling squirrels" that gave us the creeps. Whether you buy it or two sisters and I know that we encountered something other-worldly in that house. And I assure you, it wasn't your typical squirrel shenanigans!
Let's Chat
So what do you think - burglar or boo? Either way, sounds like someone wanted me out of "their house."
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