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Writer's pictureSassy Little Hippy

The Backyard Homestead Guide to Growing Organic Food by Tanya Denckla Cobb

4.2 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️+

Down to the dirty details! This is a great reference guide for beginner level gardeners, as well as those (like myself) who have been slowly dabbling but still aren’t 100% sure what they’re doing 😄

🥦 Offers detailed tips for 28 vegetables, 18 fruits and nuts, and 15 herbs - all very common for the US. Includes recommendations for temperature, sunlight, size and spacing, soil needs, fertilizing, seed start and transplant timing, harvesting, plant compatibility and common pests and diseases for each respective plant.

🐛 An entire section is dedicated to identifying common pests and diseases and treating organically. This is a section I will be referencing often!

📊 The very last chapter has a nice quick reference chart for great plant allies and companions to compliment each other and help prevent pests.

❌ What this doesn’t include is any

images, or garden landscape setup visuals or recommendations. It also doesn’t make reference to any healing properties of plants (I got excited when I saw a chapter labeled “organic remedies” and upon reading realized that was referring to organic treatment for pests/diseases). But it also didn’t promise to do any of that.

👩🏻‍🌾 All-in-all, it’s a very helpful reference guide for many common US crops. I’ll be using these tips to improve upon my gardening skills this year for sure.

Thanks to NetGalley, Storey Publishing, and Tanya Denckla Cobb for providing me with a complimentary ARC to review!


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